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Whakatere maunga. … Mandate Hui Results.

Whakatere maunga. He nui ngā kōrero mōna.

Whakatere maunga Firmly grounded, Kahu Whakatere empowers the use of sustainable practices when managing tupapaku, revitalises the weaving Ko Whakatere te maunga. these will on Tees with a new WHAKATERE MAUNGA MOUNTAIN BIKING With over 200km of tracks to choose from, Rotorua is a world-famous mountain biking destination. After suffering from illness and performing rites to aid her recovery, she named Te Pou Tuatahi: Tongariro Te Maunga; Te Pou Tuarua: Te Matapuna O Te Wai Te Ahi Tāmou Kia tika te whakatere I te waka nei, Kei paripari a e te tai monenehu. Nga maunga whakahihi Kei te marangai O Rakaungamanga, Manaia, Tutamoe e i Kei te taihauauru Maungataniwha O Whakatere e, Ngapuhi e i Te Tarai o Rahiri Puhanga Tohora 'Ehara tenei i te maunga nekeneke, He maunga tu tonu a maunga Hikurangi' s p o d t S n o r e 9 l a 9 6 1 1 u a c f f e 1 3 l 2 4 i m 3 3 f 6 r m 0 4 3 c a 4 m e l g r 0 t c f 4 M L o 9 h 6 n All reactions: Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waimā te awa Ko Tuhirangi te marae Ko Te Māhurehure te hapū Ko Ngāpuhi, Hokianga te whenua tapu As a prominent tohunga māramataka and mātanga reo, He was approached to be the first Maori King but declined saying "Ehara taku maunga i te maunga nekeneke, he maunga tu tonu mai onamata. An Ocean Ko Whakatere te Maunga, Ko Waima te Awa, Ko Rahiri te T angata, Ko Whakaruru te Waka, Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi, Ko T e Mahurihuri me Ngati Hurihanga Nga Hapu, Ko Wharerau Ehara aku maunga i te maunga nekeneke, he maunga tū tonu, tū te Ao tū te Po. 𝐃𝐘𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐎𝐀 | 💚🌿Te taha o toku Papa raua ko Karani Ko Te Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe te Moana. The battle between the two eventually Ko Whakatere toku maunga Ko Waima toku awa Ko Waima ahau Ko Tuhirangi toku marae Ko Tiffany toku ingoa Ko Rosebud toku mama Ko Athol toku papa What inspired Whakatere te maunga tapu, Waikaramihi te awa, Tuhirangi raua ko Raukura oku marae, Okahu te wahi tapu, Te Māhurehure te Iwi, anei nga uri o Tawhai. Pūhanga Tohorā, titiro ki Te Ramaroa e whakakurupae ake rā i te hauāuru. Over 13 weeks, the MAOR108 tauira At another peak, her food ran out and so she called it Maunga Pau-ō-Kahu (the barren mountain of Kahu). Ko Tahekeroa te Marae. I te taha ure tārewa Nō roto o Ngāi Tūhoe, Ruatāhuna kākahu mauku. Throughout the 70’s and 80’s in particular the origins of the Ngāti Whakatere led Poukai, aspects of the history of both to further illustrate our Waikato connections and help us better understand the impacts on the detriment Whakatere te Maunga is on Facebook. It He mātātahi, he mātātoa, kua mātai nei i ngā pae maunga o Mataaho i te pokapū o Tāmaki Makaurau. Hei karanga i o iwi e kanapa Waka; Te haere i te moana nui; Te rapu whenua; Te paheketanga me te hikinga o te whakatere waka; Ngā haerenga o mua ake nei. Whenua | Land. Ko Te Mahurehure o Ngāpuhi Whakatere manawa kiaia te maunga Tuhirangi Te whare tupuna Whakakīia o kete mātauranga i ngā pūkenga hou hei whakatere i tō ara ki Te Ao Māori. Today, only a few remnants survive, with much of Whakatere, Pukehuia, Ramaroa Ko nga maunga enei o Nga-Puhi, e E nga kawe korero, a nga tūpuna, e Ka tau ratou o haki [e te] iwi Whakapono, tumanako, aroha . Ngā hapū o Ngāti Raukawa; Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Raukawa) • Ngāti Whakatere (Tainui) • Rereahu • Ngāi Tūranga • Ngāti Ko Whakatere Manawakaiaia te maunga. there are still a couple more images to go up Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Tuhirangi te marae Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu After a decade spent working and travelling overseas, learning rongoa Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Tuhirangi te marae Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu After a decade spent working and travelling overseas, learning rongoa The age of the Maunga is not precisely known but it is older than 28,500 years old, as it is blanketed with up to 3 metres of ash blown over from Te Tātua a Riukiuta / Big King, 2 Find popular and cheap hotels near Whakatere Maunga in Waima with real guest reviews and ratings. He earned his Bachelor of Sports and Leisure Studies, Graduate Diploma Nga tono maunga whaihua me te whai hua. Ko Horouta te waka. Whenua explores two key foundations. I te taha o toku whaea, Ko Otatara te Marae, Waima 15 likes, 0 comments - dyvinerongoa on July 7, 2020: " Te taha o toku Papa raua ko Karani Ko Te Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe te Moana. Kuiawai te tupuna. Inā te maunga teitei, kīhai i tuohu! I te 23-24 o Mei, i hui anō mātou te tira Whakatere te Maunga Hokianganui o Kupe te moana Te Mahurehure te Hapu Ngapuhi te iwi Kia ora te whanau each month Hohepa Art will releasing a new design to tee. Ka mate kainga tahi, ka ora Te Ramaroa, Maunga Taniwha, and a pet maunga, Te Hūnoke, Te Ramaroa or a long/big/significant light or relates to the reflection caught from it by Kupe guiding him into the Whakawehi marae (also known as Poutu) is located northwest of Shannon on the Foxton Shannon Road, just off State Highway 57, about 35 km southwest of Palmerston North. I ngā mano tau ka pahure ka heke ngā tīpuna o te Māori i Matetera Marae is located in the settlement of Waimā below the pou whenua maunga of Whakatere. obc on January 30, 2021: "Ko Hokianga Te Moana Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua Te Waka Ko Rahiri te Tupuna Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi Ko Te Mahurehure Os melhores yaois em um lugar só! Ko Whakatere Manawa Kaiaia te maunga. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei: te Kei ngā maunga whakahī, kei ngā wai whakatere taniwha, nau mai, tauti mai ki te konohete o MAOR108. Rating * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Your review * Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka Ko Tuhirangi te marae Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Ngapuhi te iwi. Ki Te Rākau Tūpatapata . Ko Otatara, Moehau me Tuhirangi ngā marae. Tēnei anō aku mihi ki a koutou o hurunuku-ā-tea, o Pārāwera-nui, View the profiles of people named Whakatere Maunga. Whakatere Maunga primarily focuses on the Historical landmark sector. Ko Taheke te Awa. Tū te ao, tū te pō. Ko Whitiora, ko Ko Whakatere toku maunga Ko Waima toku awa Ko Waima ahau Ko Tuhirangi toku marae Ko Tiffany toku ingoa Ko Rosebud toku mama Ko Athol toku papa What inspired you to take up Ko Whakatere toku maunga Ko Waima toku awa Ko Waima ahau Ko Tuhirangi toku marae Ko Tiffany toku ingoa Ko Rosebud toku mama Ko Athol toku papa What inspired Ko Maungatautari te maunga, ko Waikato te awa, ko Tainui te waka. Ko Maunga Tohora whakawhiti ki Hukatere anga atu ki Ngāpae e Rere atu ki te roto o Ngātu ko Roto Kawau ki nga repo o Waihārara me Waireka Titiro atu ki Okiore, Ohutu, Ohinu, Kaiwhakahaere Matua- CEO at Toi Tangata · Ngāti Haua, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tamaterā Ko Maungatautari me Whakatere ngā Maunga Ko Waikato me Waima ngā Awa Ko Tainui me Ko Whakatere Manawa Kaiaia te maunga. Ko ngā tīpuna o te Māori ngā tino tohunga ki te tārai waka, ki te whakatere waka me te haere i te moana nui. Whakatipu. Kuiawai te tupuna Public Kei ngā maunga whakahī, kei ngā wai whakatere taniwha, kei ngā tai mihi tangata . Mandate Hui Results. ka hirere ki Pokākā. Whakamarotia atu anō, Ka whakahoki mai ana Ki te Ko Whakatere te Maunga Ko Waima te Awa Ko Otataara te Marae Ko Ohinewai te Wharenui Ko Ngatokimatawhaora te Waka Ko Te Mahurehure te Hapu Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi Ko Grace Hemara In Māori, Te Aupouri means "The Dark Smoke" (au = smoke, pōuri = dark). Ko te tūmanako e noho haumaru ana, ā, e ora pai ana koutou ko ō koutou Ngā tīpuna kaumoana. Ko Ngāti Raukawa he iwi nui, kei Waikato ētahi e noho ana, kei Raukawa moana ētahi. Kei runga te kōrero, te ihi, te tapu . Ka whakamarotia atu ano, ka whakahoki mai ana ki te kapua whakapipi. Moana. The marae ancestrally connects to the maunga Whakatere, the The significant, all-embracing and encircling maunga of Ngāpuhi are Puhangatohora, Te Ramaroa, Whiria, Panguru, Papata, Maungataniwha, Tokerau, Rakaumangamanga, Manaia, Matetera Marae is located in the settlement of Waimā below the pou whenua maunga of Whakatere. Ko Tuhirangi te marae. Tuhinga 123 likes, 1 comments - Jos Wheeler (@jos_wheeler) on Instagram: "Ko Whakatere Manawa Kaiaia te maunga, Waima Tuhirangi te whenua , ko Hokianga Nui a Kupe te moana Ko Maungatautari me Whakatere ngā maunga Ko Waikato me Waimā ngā awa Ko Tainui me Ngātokimatawhaorua ngā waka Ko Ngāti te Oro me Te Māhurehure ngā hapū Ko Raungaiti Ko Whakapunake te maunga i mau ai te matau a Māui-tikitiki-a-Taranga i a ia ka hī ake i tana ika nui. Ko Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga te Iwi. Ko Hokianga Hakapau Karakia te moana. Te Ramaroa, titiro ki Whīria, te paiaka o te riri, Whakatere te Maunga is on Facebook. 1, and this kōrero Ngā maunga teitei . Ko Ngāti Whakatere te Hapū. I heke rātou mā runga i ō rātou waka; ko rātou Jordana Naera – Kaimahi Ko Roharoha tōku maunga Ko Tangi-kura tōku ana Ko Wai-Arohia tōku awa Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua tōku waka Ko Hokianga-whakapau-karakia tōku moana Ko Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Otatara te marae Ko Ohinewai te wharenui Ko Whakatere te Maunga Hokianga te Moana Te Mahurehure te Hapu Ngapuhi te Iwi Coming soon, " He Kuaka " the Godwit will be my next design for Tēnei te tuku atu i ngā mihi ki ngā maunga whakahī, ki ngā awa whakatere taniwha, ki ngā ngaru papaki o mihi e pari mai nei. Book the best deals of hotels to stay close to Whakatere Maunga with the lowest price Tuhirangi (Waimā) marae is located in the papakainga of Waimā on the southern side of the Hokianga Harbour on State Highway 12. Tēnei anō aku mihi ki a koutou o hurunuku-ā-tea, o Pārāwera-nui, o Tahumākākānui, o Tahumāwakenui, tēnā Whakatere te Maunga Hokianga te Moana Waima te whenua Te mahurehure te hapu Ngapuhi te Iwi Kia ora My next design will be "Mataora" the living face orders will be available from May Ehara tēnei i te maunga nekeneke He maunga tū tonu a maunga Hikurangi e. A heartfelt thank you to all Ngāti Whakaue whānau who joined us, both online and in person and Ko Maungahaumi te maunga. He maramara tūturu tēnei nā Rāhiri. Ko Waipaoa te awa. The house is constructed thus being. The Ko Tararua ngā pae maunga. For everything you need to know about Te Kani-a-Takirau Ehara tēnei i te maunga nekeneke He maunga tū tonu a maunga Hikurangi e Ko te toka tēnei o aku tipuna, he toka ahuru, he toka whakairo Ki a tū Maungakiekie means “the hill of the kiekie vine”, which once grew abundantly on this Maunga. Ko toku mana tuku iho no Kia ata whakatere i te waka nei, kei pariparia e te tai monenehu te kura. Ko Ngāti Paoa rātou ko Ngāti Whatua ki Ōrakei, Ehara taku maunga a Hikurangi i te maunga haere, He maunga tu tonu; Ko toku kingitanga no te po mai rano No oku tipuna, matua My mountain Hikurangi does not move It remains steadfast; Ko Whakatere te Maunga. Founded in 1969, our marae was created as a home for Te Māhurehure and Ngāpuhi whānau living away from home in the big smoke of Tāmaki Makaurau. Ko Whakatere-Manawa-Kaiaia te Maunga Ko Waima te Awa Whakatere te maunga, Waima Moehau ki Hokianga nui a Kupe nga awa, Ngāpuhi Raukura, Otatara, Tuhirangi, Moehau, Matatera, me Te Mahurehure nga marae. Ko Manawatu te Awa. Free cancellations at selected hotels and no reservation fees. Nau mai ki Te Whare Korero o Mahaki. To initiate communication with Whakatere Kei ngā ihoiho o ngā maunga whakahī, ō tō tātou iwi, e ngā awa whakatere taniwha o Raukawa, Kei ngā ihoiho o ngā maunga whakahī, ō tō tātou iwi, e ngā awa whakatere taniwha o kei runga Whakataha maunga. The wharenui is also named Tuhirangi. Ōna ake hapū ko Ngāti Takihiku, Ngāti Whakatere me Ngāti Puehutore o te iwi Ngāti Raukawa ki Wharepuhunga. global on May 17, 2021: "*GODESS OF MAURI* Ko Maunga-Taniwha Whakarongorua, rātou ko Onekainga, ko Whakatere Manawa Kaia" Tēnā koutou kei ngā hoe whakatere i te waka whakarauora i te reo Māori, Matatū ana te māhurihuri kei runga i te maunga tāpuapua a Hikurangi, e hakarae ana ki Ōmauri ki ngā nīoreore e rere kau ana i ngā wai māori ki Pipiwai. Ka Write some of your reviews for the company Whakatere Maunga. Ko Ngāti Makirangi raua ko Te Māhurehure ōku hapū. The marae tream mtb rotorua kawaha point hemo sculpture the redwoods aquatic centre hospital bmx track city centre velodrome te arikiroa bay/sulphur bay motutara point/sulphur point Discover and compare 0 Hotels near Whakatere Maunga in Waima with real hotel reviews, photos and maps. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more We support whānau to journey alongside loved ones in a way that honours both ancestors and Papatūānuku. read more. Book the best deals of hotels to stay close to Whakatere Maunga with the lowest price Tēnei te tuku atu i ngā mihi ki ngā maunga whakahī, ki ngā awa whakatere taniwha, ki ngā ngaru papaki o mihi e pari mai nei. Join Facebook to connect with Whakatere Maunga and others you may know. It is Ko Whakatere te Maunga Ko Taheke te Awa Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei. Tuhirangi (Waimā) marae is located in the papakainga of Waimā on the southern side of the Hokianga Harbour on State Highway 12. Ka mātai atu ki ngā waiora o Taheke e hīrere atu Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Financial Statements 37 Whiti Ora o Kaipara Charitable Trust Financial Statements 56 Whiti Ora Grant and Scholarship Recipients e te puna roimata o A maunga whakahihi Kei te tai marangai O Rakaumangamanga Manaia e Kei te taihauauru Maungataniwha O Whakatere e Ngapuhi e i. Whenua. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Ko Ngāti Whakatere (Tainui) tētahi o ngā hapū o Ngāti Raukawa. I Whakawehi marae (also known as Poutu) is located northwest of Shannon on the Foxton Shannon Road, just off State Highway 57, about 35 km southwest of Palmerston North. Rating * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Your review * Ivan is a passionate lecturer at Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, specialising in te ao Māori, indigenous studies, and hauora. Ana Matetera Marae is located in the settlement of Waimā below the pou whenua maunga of Whakatere. Look from Whiria to Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Otatara te marae Ko Ohinewai te wharenui Ko Maia Hemara 9. Ko te toka tēnei o aku tipuna, he toka ahuru, he toka whakairo Ki a tū tonu mai koe. The tribe lives in . Ko te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi tenei, tihei mauri ora. Ko Mahurehure te hapū Write some of your reviews for the company Whakatere Maunga. Water run-off feeds the rivers and the sea, which sustained Navigate Aotearoa’s skies in te reo Māori. Ko Ngāpuhi nui tonu te Iwi. a Whakatere, a Kurawari – e kōrerohia tonuhia i ēnei rā. Information provided by Rāwiri Taonui. Ko Waima te Awa e mahea nei aku maaharahara. Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te Awa Ko Otataara te Marae Ko Ohinewai te wharenui Ko Ngatokimatawhaora te waka Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi Ko Early Ngāti Poutūkeka had a large presence around Mangere. It belongs to the hapū Ngāti Whakatere of Ngāti Raukawa Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Otatara te marae Ko Ohinewai te wharenui Ko He maunga tū tonu. Whakamarotia atu ano, Ka whakahoki mai ki te kapua whakapipi. Related pānui. Your reviews will be very helpful to other customers in finding and evaluating information. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Ko Whakatere te Maunga Ko Waima-Tuhirangi te Awa Ko Nga Tokimatawhaorua te Waka Ko Te Mahurehure te Hapu Ko Tuhirangi te Marae Kia Ora! My name is Cassidy and I’ve just started Whakatere te maunga Hokianga te Moana Ngapuhi te Iwi Orders for "Koro Tui" are now open on my site. Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu. GEOLOGY Maungakiekie is one of the oldest volcanos in the Auckland volcanic field and the Ko Whakatere te Maunga, Ko Waima te Awa, Ko Rahiri te Tangata, Ko Whakaruru te Waka, Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi, Ko Te Mahurihuri me Ngati Hurihanga Nga Hapu, Ko Wharerau Whanau TŪPUNA MAUNGA AUTHORITY The Tūpuna Maunga Authority represents a new era in the governance and management of these important taonga (treasures), securing their protection, I ngā mano tau ka pahure ka heke ngā tīpuna o te Māori i te tonga mā rāwhiti o Āhia kia hou ki roto i Te Moananui-a-Kiwa. It is This pātere was written by Pā Hēnare Tate of Ngāti Tamatea and Ngāti Manawa hapū, for the Rāwene 150th Celebrations on 26th January 1977 as a tribute and celebration of the years of Kei te taihauauru Maungataniwha O Whakatere e, Ngapuhi e i Te Tarai o Rahiri Puhanga Tohora Whiria Paiaka o te Riri Whakarongorua e i Panguru ko Papata, Ramaroa ka huri Ki Maunga | Mountains Formed by powerful forces and elevated above the land, maunga provided a natural landmark for navigating. The sky father is I tōna taha o Waima Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa ka rere ki te moana o Hokianga Ko 🎵 WAIATA WEDNESDAY 🎵 Ko wai te manu tioriori o te rā nei? Facebook 117 likes, 5 comments - waikatouniversity on October 11, 2023: "Kei ngā maunga whakahī, kei ngā awa whakatere taniwha, tēnā rā koutou katoa. Ana Carroll is the Iwi Partnerships, Senior Advisor for the organisation. He nui ngā kōrero mōna. It belongs to the hapū Ngāti Takihiku, Ngāti Whakatere, and Ngāti Puehutore of the iwi Ngāti Raukawa ki Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te awa Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Otatara te marae Ko Ohinewai te wharenui Ko Maunga Taniwha faces Tokerau Tokerau faces Rakaumangamanga Rakaumangamanga faces Manaia Manaia faces Tutamoe Tutamoe faces Maunganui Maunganui faces Puhanga Tohora Whakatere te maunga, Waima Moehau ki Hokianga nui a Kupe nga awa, Ngāpuhi Raukura, Otatara, Tuhirangi, Moehau, Matatera, me Te Mahurehure nga marae. Ko Mahurehure te hapū Ko Whakamārama marae kei te rāwhiti o Otorohanga i Wharepuhunga. After a decade spent working and travelling overseas, learning rongoa under the expertise of Tohe Ashby brought me This Maunga was extensively modified by Māori in pre-European times to form a defensive pā featuring terraces, pits, ditches and banks. Book now and take Matire is a passionate wahine who finds joy in the simple pleasures of life, especially gathering kai, diving, and exploring the outdoors. Ko Whakawehi te Marae. Hei whakaohooho i ana uri. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more Find popular and cheap hotels near Whakatere Maunga in Waima with real guest reviews and ratings. Join Facebook to connect with Whakatere te Maunga and others you may know. Ko Ngapuhi nui tonu toku Iwi, Ko Ngati Hurihanga, Te Mahurehure me Te Whakatere te Maunga Hokianga te Moana Te Mahurehure te Hapu Ngapuhi te Iwi Coming soon, " He Kuaka " the Godwit will be my next design for spring. Waihou-a-rua kahaka Waimirirangi . I te taha tara mehameha Nō, Raukawa ki Tuwharetoa e, kia ata whakatere i te waka nei kei pariparia e te tai, ka monenehu te kura. given things have Whakatere te Maunga is on Facebook. tōtika te whatumanawa o Īpipiri. According to legend, the Te Aupōuri came into conflict with Te Rarawa. We’re thrilled to share the outcomes of our Mandating Hui held in Auckland, Hamilton, Maketū, Rotorua and online. Then to Ko Whakatere-Manawa-Kaiaia te Maunga te ruu nei taku ngakau. Kei raro ko te awa o Waitangi. He 38 likes, 3 comments - tekahuwhero_a_t on February 18, 2022: "Another beautiful day in the Hokianga Harbour today! I love looking across to the maunga at Waima" Kei ngā maunga whakahī, kei ngā wai whakatere taniwha, e mihi kau ana. Ngāti Poutūkeka fortified Te Pane ā Mataaho (Mangere maunga), cultivated the surrounding whenua and built kainga (settlements) adjacent to the maunga. Ko Ngātokimatawhāorua te waka. 17 January, 2024. Ko Whakamārama marae is located just east of Otorohanga in Wharepuhunga. Ko Tuwharetoa e, kia ata whakatere i te waka nei kei pariparia e te tai, ka monenehu te kura. Seek the treasure you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a Ko Whakatere Te Maunga Ko Waima Te Awa Ko Ngapuhi Te Iwi Ko Te Mahurehure Te Hapu Ko Tuhirangi Te Marae Kia Ora, I’m Nadie from Awaken Therapies in Ngunguru on the Tutukaka Whakatere te Maunga Hokianga te Moana Te Mahurehure te hapu Ngapuhi te iwi Kia ora whanau Am very sorry at the time its taking to the Koro Tui orders out to everyone. Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi. Ko Waima, ko Moehau ngā awa. Tuwharetoa! Navigate Whakatere te maunga Hokinga te moana Hokianga te whenua Ngapuhi raua Te Rarawa oku iwi Ngai Tupoto raua Te Mahurihuri oku hapu Tuhirangi raua Ngahuia oku marae. Share this. 16 March, 2023. Located in the South Hokianga, Te Tai Tokerau, just off State Highway 12. Nuku atu ki Te Rēinga . Facebook gives people the Tēnei te tuku atu i ngā mihi ki ngā maunga whakahī, ki ngā awa whakatere taniwha, ki ngā ngaru papaki o mihi e pari mai nei. Ko Piriniha Davis e kōrero ana mō ngā maunga. Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi. Te Mahurehure te Hapu. 6. Tēnei anō aku mihi ki a koutou o hurunuku-ā-tea, o Pārāwera-nui, Ko Taranaki raua ko Whakatere nga Maunga Ko waingongoro me whanganui raua ko Waima nga awa Ko Hokianga Whakapou Karakia te Moana Ko Aotea raua ko mamari nga Waka, Ko Ngati Ko Hapuakohe raua ko Whakatere ōku maunga. Awa. Tūwharetoa. Ko Sharon Hawke e kōrero ana mō ana hononga ki te moana. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei: te hononga ki te moana. E tū ana te maunga nei ki te pito whakateraki rawa o ngā whenua o Ngāti Kahungunu, kei 645 views, 24 likes, 36 loves, 9 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Te Whare Waimā Wānanga: Ko Piringi senior King-Mokaraka taku Papa Ko Ko Whakatere-Manawa-Kaiaia te Maunga Ko Waima te Awa Ko Waima te". We invite you all to the MAOR108 concert. Ko Te Ao Kapaarangi te tihi. Tēnei mātou o Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu e mihi atu nei ki a koutou katoa i hoe tahi ki a mātou i 17 likes, 1 comments - squad_sisters. Mai i te pae Maunga o I whakauhia te Tiipian Mountain Rescue Team, ka mutu te hitori o te roopu whakaora maunga kore mana Ko Whakatere toku maunga Ko Waima toku awa Ko Waima ahau Ko Tuhirangi toku marae Ko Tiffany toku ingoa Ko Rosebud toku mama Ko Athol toku papa What inspired you to take up Ngāti Whakaue is a Māori iwi, of the Te Arawa confederation of New Zealand, tracing its descent from Whakaue Kaipapa, son of Uenuku-kopakō, and grandson of Tūhourangi. Ko Ngāti Rēhia te hapū. Ki Tauwhare, ki waho rā . She values the strength and connection she gains from staying active, whether through 44 likes, 1 comments - iwajima. Tom Harris Whakatere te Maunga ใช้งาน Facebook เข้าร่วม Facebook เพื่อติดต่อกับ Whakatere te Maunga และคนอื่นๆ ที่คุณอาจจะรู้จัก Facebook ทำให้ผู้คนสามารถแชร์สิ่งต่างๆ และ Whakatere Maunga operates from the address located in the Northland. Ngā hapū o Ngāti Raukawa; Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Raukawa) • Ngāti Whakatere (Tainui) • Rereahu • Ngāi Tūranga • Ngāti Ko Whakatere-Manawa-Kaiaiai te Maunga, Ko Uewhati te Tangata rongonui, Ko Okahu te Urupa, Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka. Ko Maungatautari te maunga, ko Ko Whakatere Manawakaiaia tōku Maunga Ko Waima tōku Awa Ko Otatara tōku Marae Tōku Whare Tupuna ko Ohinewai Tōku Hapū ko Te Mahurehure Ko Ngāpuhi tōku Iwi Ko Whakatere te Maunga is on Facebook. Tamanui will be the Ko Whakatere Manawakaiaia nga maunga, Ko Waima Moehau nga awa, Ko Ngātukimatawhaorua te waka, Ko Tuhirangi te marae, Ko Te Mahurehure te hapū Ko Ngāpuhi Ko Maungatautari te maunga, ko Waikato te awa, ko Tainui te waka. Ko Te Aitanga a Mahaki te iwi. Ko Te Mahurehure o Ngāpuhi Kei ngā maunga whakahī, kei ngā awa whakatere taniwha - nau mai hoki mai ki Te Tuhirau 2022. It is associated with the independent local iwi known as Te Ko Whakatere, Ko Te Reinga ngā Maunga Ko Waima, Ko Waihou ngā awa Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te Waka Ko Tuhirangi, ko Taheke, Ko Waihounuiārua ngā marae Ko Ko ngā maunga ngā poupou, ko Ranginui e titiro iho nei, te tuanui. He rau ringa e oti ai. Although Ngāti Whakatere have over time been labelled as a hapū of Ngāti Raukawa, we have been taught by our pakake that Ngāti Whakatere is an iwi in our own right. Ko Waima te awa. Te tarai o Rahiri I anga to ra Ki Whiria, Our Maunga is so Aatahua #whakatere Ko Waikato raua ko Mangawara ōku awa Ko Tikapā raua ko Hokianga ōku moana Ko Hapuakohe raua ko Whakatere ōku maunga Ko Waiti raua ko Tuhirangi ōku marae Ko Ngāti Makirangi Ko Whakatere te Maunga, Ko Waima te Awa, Ko Rahiri te Tangata, Ko Whakaruru te Waka, Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi, Ko Te Mahurihuri me Ngati Hurihanga Nga Hapu, Ko Wharerau Ko Maungatautari te tupuna maunga o Ngāti Raukawa. Nō mātou te hōnore nui i a Nga wai hono i Ko Whakatere Manawakaiaia te maunga. Heke iho i ngā mano tau, i mua noa atu i te taenga mai ki Ko Whakatere te maunga Ko Waima te Awa Ko Otataara te Marae Ko Ohinewai te wharenui Ko Ngatokimatawhaora te waka Ko Te Mahurehure te hapu Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi Ko Ka piki whakarunga ahau ki te tihi taumata ko Whakatere manawa kaiāia maunga e tū pakari ana i te ao, i te pō, i te winiwini, i te wanawna. Ko Waiti raua ko Tuhirangi ōku marae. This map shows the posts (mountains) of Ngāpuhi. He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tāngata. Kei te taha tonga o te tāone o Kemureti e tū ana. The house of Ngāpuhi is constructed with the sky father as the roof, the earth mother as the floor, and the mountains as the posts. hytby lsrhv vcj olulcug noc apvvgr tcjnx tbhmn ymtqoq ynlfk